Stock / Operations Associate

Remote, USA Full-time Posted 2025-03-16

Job Descriptio:

Beig a part of Kohl's Stores meas becomig a itegral member of a team that welcomes diversity, strives to aid each other's accomplishmets, ad takes pride i rejoicig over their triumphs.

Why Kohl's:

Embrace a work culture that values collaboratio ad cooperatio, where everyoe is workig towards a commo goal.

Achieve Work-Life Balace: We offer shift flexibility to support your hectic routie, eablig you to work at ay give time, o weekdays, weekeds, ad eve at odd hours. We're here to assist you!

Avail a 15% associate discout ad redeem stackable coupos while buyig gifts for your loved oes this holiday seaso!

It is essetial to have leaders who care, uderstad your eeds, led a ear, ad guide you i achievig your goals.

Our selectio features the most popular atioal brads that you're sure to recogize ad adore.

Kohl's pla is to be the leadig go-to retail store for those who lead a active ad relaxed lifestyle. We prioritize teamwork, celebrate diversity, ad go the extra mile to esure everyoe's success for a excellet customer experiece.

About the Role:

As a valuable member of the team, your primary objective will be to cultivate a sales-orieted eviromet while esurig that we cosistetly provide our customers with a positive experiece. You will egage with our customers o a persoal level, utilizig our uique hospitality metality approach to deliver exceptioal service. Your day-to-day resposibilities will iclude providig up-to-date iformatio o our curret product offerigs, store promotios ad upcomig evets, as well as efficietly executig operatioal procedures. Your ultimate goal is to coect with our customers, addressig their shoppig eeds i a maer that leaves them feelig appreciated, respected ad satisfied.

Key Accoutabilities:
? Boost your sales, hospitality, operatios, staffig ad coversio rates with the help of our Shop C3 Program.
? Drive sales
? Ecourage shoppers to make purchases by creatig a stimulatig shoppig atmosphere that ispires them to browse your products ad add items to their basket
? Esure a uiform appearace of employees throughout the sales floor to project a professioal image
? Establishig rapport with customers ca begi with a warm ad welcomig greetig, which ca be a effective way to build customer coectios
? Provisio of assistace durig sales floor, dressig room, poit of sale, ad operatioal procedures as deemed ecessary
? Guaratee every customer feels valued, respected ad ackowledged.
? Fosterig a sese of trust is essetial i meetig the shoppig eeds of customers
? Employ various chaels to provide customers with a smooth experiece without resistace
? Precisely execute our operatioal procedures, icludig BOPUS, BOSS, MLS, ad SFS to esure seamless customer experieces
? Establish a coectio with the customer by showig iterest i their eeds ad prefereces
? Show appreciatio ad aid cliets by utilizig our corporate iitiatives
? Effectively admiister sales ad purchases with precisio, proficiecy, ad a focus o coversig with customers
? Assist cliets i becomig more fiacially resposible by servig as a cosultat to help them save moey with a Kohl's Card
? Processes ad begis the procedure for processig Kohl??s Card applicatios
? Polite ad prompt i addressig iquiries ad requests

Essetial Fuctios:

The duties described below serve as a sample of the resposibilities a associate may be expected to fulfill, ad may ot ecompass all potetial tasks. The compay holds the right to alter this job descriptio as eeded. To fulfill this job with proficiecy, a idividual must be capable of satisfactorily completig all essetial duties. Appropriate accommodatios for idividuals with disabilities may be provided, as log as udue hardship is ot the result.
? Capability to Carry Out the Assiged Resposibilities
? The compay expects its employees to maitai regular ad timely attedace.
? Meetig the stipulated dress code demads adherece.
? Demostratig the capability to uderstad ad adhere to all regulatios, protocols, ad priciples implemeted by the orgaizatio.
? The competece to comprehed ad act o directives from superiors, maagers, ad other employees of the orgaizatio.
? The capacity to collaborate with others ad commuicate efficietly i a group settig.
? Proficiecy i hadlig high-pressure work coditios ad meetig deadlies for various tasks.
? Demostratig competecy i compay-sposored traiig programs.
? Fudametal umerical ad literary proficiecy, readable pemaship, ad rudimetary computer competecy.
? Proficiecy i operatig ad commuicatig across diverse frequecy devices, portable scaers, ad other techological tools as istructed.
? Flexibility to work durig the daytime, ighttime, ad weekeds.
? Carry out tasks as per the specificatios listed uder the Physical Demads sectio.

Physical Requiremets:
? Regularly carryig loads up to 50 pouds, ad occasioally requirig the aid of a secod perso for loads over 50 pouds.
? Regularly climbig, bedig, ad reachig are essetial.
? The capacity to remai upright ad/or move aroud for the etirety of a plaed work period (which should last o less tha 8 hours).
? The capacity to autheticate iformatio through visual meas ad examie products for quality assurace.
? Beig capable of doig a facial mask or shield ad additioal safety gear.
? Ability to carry out job fuctios such as curbside ad truck uload while beig exposed to differet temperatures, humidity levels, ad other evirometal factors.

Preferred Qualificatios:
? Experiece i the Retail or Service Idustry is Not Necessary
? Exceptioal commuicatio abilities, both writte ad spoke, that have the power to sway others i a succict ad articulate maer.
? Havig a iate sese of curiosity; a eageress to acquire kowledge
? Dedicatio towards embracig diversity ad fosterig a iclusive workplace atmosphere

The startig salary is $14.00.

Apply Job!

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