Customer Assistance Associate

Remote, USA Full-time Posted 2025-03-16

As a Customer Service Represetative at Chewy, you'll play a crucial role i maitaiig the compay's reputatio for exceptioal Customer Assistace Associate

As a Customer Service Associate of Chewy, you will work with a team of passioate ad determied idividuals who strive to give pet owers a uforgettable, exceptioal, ad reliable experiece. Chewy is curretly seekig to add a ew member to the team!

Employees at Chewy are ot just part of a team; they are part of a bigger commuity. The compay values iclusivity ad ecourages idividuals to brig their uique perspectives ad experieces to work. As a result, Chewy operates as a cohesive uit, fosterig a sese of belogig ad makig employees feel valued

The beefits of beig employed at this compay:
? Competitive pay ad beefits ot oly icrease employee morale, but also help to miimize staff turover rates, savig busiesses the cost of replacig traied employees
? Whether it's i your persoal or professioal life, strive for excellece ad take great care i every actio you take
? I our orgaizatio, we ecourage a culture of belogig that ackowledges ad rewards your abilities ad efforts, promotig a eviromet of appreciatio ad recogitio.

The corerstoe of our healthcare ad welless offerigs is our team's uwaverig commitmet to providig superior care. As a leader, your primary resposibility will be to develop a culture that values costat progressio, world-class service, ad quality care

With the authority to build ad the freedom to grow, your potetial is limitless!

Your Resposibilities:
? Directly egage with Chewy's pharmacy customers, iteractig with them via a variety of commuicatio chaels ad providig assistace o various topics. This positio will primarily ivolve hadlig iboud calls ad other forms of messagig.
? Dedicate time ad resources to researchig ad idetifyig potetial solutios for customer problems. Follow up diligetly to esure that cliet eeds are met satisfactorily.
? Leave our customers awestruck with exceptioal service. We're ot just lookig for order-takers, but rather those who ca build customer relatioships, offer iovative solutios, ad comply with striget safety ad regulatory requiremets.

What You'll Need
? The positio demads a record of servig customers for a period of oe to two years
? Excellet commuicatio skills
? The aptitude to maage may tasks ad aalyze them thoroughly is crucial for success
? Possessig the flexibility to shift schedule ad put i additioal hours as the situatio requires
? Come with a midset of strivig for excellece!

Chewy holds a commitmet to fosterig equal opportuity ad diversity with our team. If you feel you may eed a accommodatio to complete our applicatio process or require assistace to perform ay of the job requiremets due to disabilities as per the Americas with Disabilities Act (ADA) or like laws, please reach out to us at [email protected].

About Role: A Customer Service Represetative at Chewy plays a pivotal role i esurig a positive ad seamless experiece for pet owers ad customers. Charged with hadlig iquiries, cocers, ad providig assistace, these professioals leverage their commuicatio skills ad product kowledge to address customer eeds effectively. Chewy's customer service team is kow for its dedicatio to deliverig exceptioal service, ofte goig above ad beyod to resolve issues promptly ad build lastig relatioships with customers. Whether assistig with order iquiries, offerig product recommedatios, or resolvig shippig cocers, Chewy's Customer Service Represetative are committed to fosterig a customer-cetric eviromet, reflectig the compay's emphasis o pet care ad satisfactio.

For ay questios cocerig your applicatio status, please get i touch with [email protected].

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