AI Development Specialist - Part Time

Remote, USA Full-time Posted 2025-03-16

Outlier helps the world??s most iovative compaies improve their AI models by providig huma feedback. Are you a experieced software egieer who would like to led your codig expertise to trai AI models?

We parter with orgaizatios to trai AI large laguage models, helpig cuttig-edge geerative AI models write better code. Projects typically iclude discrete, highly variable problems that ivolve egagig... with these models as they lear to code. There is o requiremet for previous AI experiece.

About the opportuity:
? Outlier is lookig for taleted coders to help trai geerative artificial itelligece models
? This freelace opportuity is remote ad hours are flexible, so you ca work wheever is best for you

You may cotribute your expertise by??? Craftig ad aswerig questios related to computer sciece i order to help trai AI models
? Evaluatig ad rakig code geerated by AI models

Examples of desirable expertise:
? Curretly erolled i or completed a bachelor's degree or higher i computer sciece at a selective istitutio
? Proficiecy workig with oe or more of the the followig laguages: Java, Pytho, JavaScript / TypeScript, C++
? Ability to articulate complex cocepts fluetly i Eglish
? Excellet attetio to detail, icludig grammar, puctuatio, ad style guidelies

? Curretly, pay rates for core project work by Tier 2 codig experts i the U.S. average USD $30 per hour.
? Rates vary based o expertise, skills assessmet, locatio, project eed, ad other factors. For example, higher rates may be offered to PhDs. For o-core work, such as durig iitial project oboardig or project overtime phases, lower rates may apply. Certai projects offer icetive paymets. Please review the paymet terms for each project.

PLEASE NOTE: We collect, retai ad use persoal data for our professioal busiess purposes, icludig otifyig you of opportuities that may be of iterest ad sharig with our affiliates. We limit the persoal data we collect to that which we believe is appropriate ad ecessary to maage applicats?? eeds, provide our services, ad comply with applicable laws. Ay iformatio we collect i coectio with your applicatio will be treated i accordace with the&bsp;Outlier Privacy Policy&bsp;ad our iteral policies ad programs desiged to protect persoal data.

This is a 1099 cotract opportuity o the;platform. Because this is a freelace opportuity, we do ot offer iterships, sposorship, or employmet. You must be authorized to work i your coutry of residece. If you are a iteratioal studet, you may be able to sig up for Outlier if you are o a visa. You should cotact your tax ad/or immigratio advisor with specific questios regardig your circumstaces.

How log does the oboardig take?

Outlier is a platform that coects subject matter experts to help build the world?s most advaced Geerative AI.
You will work o a variety of projects from geeratig traiig data i your disciplie to advace these models to evaluatig performace of models

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